Saturday, March 9, 2013

I have a dear friend who's husband has ALS. I have watched her the last few years and I am amazed at her strength and heartbroken at her circumstance. Her daughters are dear to our family and we try to be good friends and help where we can. Today my heart is burdened for this lovely family, who face such an great loss over a long period of time. But, I went back and read her husband's blog today. Since I have known the family only a few years, and by the time we met, Tom was already being affected by the ALS, I never really got a chance to know him. Tom is a pastor, and even when his earthly body failed to speak, he was able to blog. Even though it has been quite a while since he has blogged (Nov. 2012), I would encourage you all to go read the words of this wonderful man. He is an inspiration. And to all of you who pray. . . please lift this family up. ALS is not fair, it is not quick, it is not peaceful. But as I read through Tom's blog, I am reminded how great the God I serve is, how only HE can bring true peace, and in HIS arms I (and you) can rest assured of the future that await us.

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November 1 2009

November 1 2009
Family by red hills in Tensleep